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John Gilbert Moore, Sr

John Gilbert Moore, Sr


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Research Question related to Unknown DNA Cousin

Several members of my family have had DNA testing done. An unknown person appears in our "Relatives Match List" on 23andme, Gedmatch, and DNAland. We have contacted the unknown cousin, but have yet to determine our most recent common ancestor (MRCA).

The test results indicate that the unknown person and I are most likely Second Cousins once removed (I am the oldest of those who have been tested).

Several members of my family have had DNA testing done.  An unknown person appears in our "Relatives Match List" on 23andme, Gedmatch, and DNAland.  We have contacted the unknown cousin, but have yet to determine our most recent common ancestor (MRCA).

The test results indicate that the unknown person and I are most likely Second Cousins once removed (I am the oldest of those who have been tested).  I say this because the range of DNA shared by 2nd cousins once removed is .57 to 2.54% and my DNA cousin and I share 2.49% of our DNA.

Based on the charts below, apparently this unknown person and I share a Grandparent or Great-Grand Parent. 


We compared Surnames and locations in our family trees to identify our MRCA.  We swapped as much information on our ancestors as we had.

The name Cole is in both of our lists, but the detailed Tree information ruled out any of these as common ancestors.  The various spellings of Barnett is close the Barrett in my tree, but the name and location is all I have which does not match the date and locations in my DNA cousin's Tree.

 We have determined that both of us have ancestors who lived in Western Tennessee, and also Mississippi.  I know that my maternal grandmother's brother worked on the railroad from Mississippi to Chicago. Unfortunately, the only relative I know of who have had a DNA test are listed in my DNA relatives.  None of my maternal side cousins have been tested.  I only know of one paternal side living cousin who I will ask to get tested.

What should be the next step in our research to determine our Most Recent Common Ancestor? 

I have so many DNA Cousins to connect with, hopefuly connecting with the one I share the most DNA with will advance my family research.  Soon I hope to learn the significance of the X DNA and Haplogroup columns, and how those columns can further my research.



Linked toJohn Gilbert Moore, Sr

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